The versatility of iron in Paolo Fusi’s creations

Furniture design, works of art, and continuous experimentation. In the Laboratory of the company Creazioni in Ferro, the slogan is research and inventiveness.

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Creazioni in Ferro by Paolo Fusi is a company that borders between art and craftsmanship, where gates, fixtures, and railings coexist with paintings, sculptures, and artistic experimentations. Working with not solely iron, steel, and corten, but also with wood and silicone, the owner produces sculptures and interior and exterior designs for private clients, corporations, stores, even theater sets, and for open-air art projects.

The laboratory is an invitation to open the mind and be curious: There are creations of every kind exhibited, some completed, and others still as works in progress; some are functional (such as gates, railings, and interior furniture) and others artistic. Each piece demonstrates Paolo Fusi’s incredible creativity, which takes shape in the continuous experimentation of forms and materials. In the mezzanine, a small gallery is set up to showcase the works of art, paintings, and sculptures that mix the solidity of metals with the elastic softness of silicone.


Paolo Fusi Creazioni in Ferro
Via Signorelli 11/12 – 50028 Località Sambuca, Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (FI)

The personalization and tailor-made creations are an integral part of the design process, which Paolo Fusi carries out together with his clients, identifying the perfect shapes, styles, and materials for every unique place.

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