Calzaiolo ring route

Municipality San Casciano in Val di Pesa


The route begins at the Ponterotto parking lot from where you join the Pesa trail, which you follow to Calzaiolo.

You cross the bridge of the road over the Pesa and continue along Via di San Vito di Sopra until you find Via Montecalvi on the left after a short distance (it is the first road on the left).

You follow Via Montecalvi for a long time with little ascent, passing the villages of Pitto and Casanova until you cross the road coming from Bargino. You turn right uphill and follow it until you come to an obvious bend to the right (watch out for the fork in the road) where you turn left to the farm road with a fence and immediately turn right.

You skirt the cultivated land uphill with the forest above. At the next farm road, turn right and uphill to reach another cultivated area above. We skirt the vineyard keeping to the right until we reach an obvious telecommunications network installation (RAIWAY). Leave the installation on the left and follow the unpaved road with an almost horizontal course through a beautiful oak forest until it crosses via di San Vito di Sopra. Turn right to follow via di San Vito, passing several cottages and the beautiful little church of San Vito.

Shortly afterwards, we come to via del Bosco, from where we can return to Calzaiolo and from here to Ponterotto.

Points of interests: ND

Technical details:
  • Starting point: Ponterotto
  • How to get there: from San Casciano follow Via Certaldese towards San Pancrazio
  • Finish locality: Ponterotto
  • Access: from San Casciano follow the Certaldese road to San Pancrazio.
  • Difficulty level: T - Tourist, E - Hiking
  • Any critical points: no
  • Experience requirements: Minimum
  • Time required: 2 hours
  • Length: 9 km
  • Total ascent: 340m
  • Total Descent: 340m
  • Maximum height: 331m above sea level
  • Minimum height: 124m above sea level
  • Signposts: Red/white signs, arrows indicating direction of travel and times
  • Best time to tackle the route: All year round
  • Necessary equipment: walking shoes
  • Operators offering additional tourist services along the route: ND
altimetria anello calzaiolo

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